This is a collection of some of our favorite resources. Some our counselors created, and others are pulled from other reputable sources. Items and topics are listed in no particular order.
At NMBC we maintain that the Bible is our authority for all of life. These resources are not necessary for a rich life in Christ. However, they can serve as an aid, encouragement, or motivation around a holistic approach to mind, body, and spirit as we seek to grow in Christlikeness.
New Mercies does make a commission off of any item purchased through an Amazon link from our site. These purchases help fund our library within the counseling office and continuing education opportunities for our counselors.
We pray these resources will serve you and your family!
*These contracts don't have to be used super formally, but can serve as a great conversation guide
From Foucs On The Family
*These contracts don't have to be used super formally, but can serve as a great conversation guide
Keep this in your Bible and use it as a tool to take your child to God's Word to explain how they disobeyed. Only use the consequences suggested if they are age appropriate and fitting for your specific child. All children are different, and consequences need to be given with the specific child in mind.
From Proverbs 31 Ministries
This can be done as a couple on a date night or after the kids go to bed. Use these probing questions to connect spiritually and share your heart. Keep it somewhere safe and revisit from time to time. Ideally one at the beginning of a new year, but can be adapted for anytime.
Conversation Starters
Spiritual Growth
Physical Wellness
Mindful Productivity
This is used for behavioral activation. The idea is for behaviors (like healthy and even mundane habits) to influence a person's emotional state. Spiritual disciplines should be included here.
Children’s Books
Excellent for adults, teen, and older children! Helps teach gospel centered self-worth rooted in the Creator. Moving!
Helps young kids name their emotions.
Helping children understand the gift of gender.
God's Design for Sex appropriate for ages 5-8
Quiet Time/Bible Study
These wont bleed through thin Bible pages.
From day one, each of the 365 daily readings includes a selection from the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs. Encountering the four different Scripture selections together alongside the corresponding devotion will yield new insights as you read through God’s Word in one year.
For when the Lord prompts you to send an encouraging message.
Not all devotionals are created equal. These devotionals do a great job of keeping things gospel focused, scripture rich and thought provoking within a few words.
New Morning Mercies:
Keeping A Quiet Heart:
My Utmost for His Highest
You can print this free PDF and create your own. Reprint monthly.
Or you can purchase this one already printed and bound.
Having items needed for Bible Study or a quiet time with the Lord gathered in one place is key to making this a habit. These baskets are a great size for your bible, journal, pens, and other supplies. *Yes, one of these is a diaper caddy!!
These are from a ministry called "Journey Women". Check them out on Instagram and their Podcast. These printables help you dive deep into Bible Study.
Book if The Bible Overview
Bible Passage Study:
Notes Page
This is a resource The Fellowship of Christian Athletes uses to examine a passage of scripture.